28 Titsy Self-love Prompts
"Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself."

Visit a place that makes you happy
Have a nap - schedule it and do it.
Give yourself a face massage, or even better - get a full massage
Find a way to ‘choose joy’ in an everyday activity
Make yourself a playlist of songs that make you happy
Buy yourself flowers
Write yourself a list of all the ‘titsy’ qualities I have
Wear your favourite outfit today, just for you
Write a love letter to yourself
Plan and enjoy a digital detox evening
Do something to feel ‘big tits energy’
Take a dance class, or dance at home to your favourite songs
Do a long and slow stretch
Take time for yourself to do a meditation for 10-15 mins
Take time to look at yourself naked in the mirror, find your beauty and say “ I love me”
Make yourself a nutritious dinner
Book a day trip
Take yourself a date in your fav restaurant/cafe
List all of your accomplishments till now
Write all the things you love about yourself
Start each day by telling yourself something positive
Go to bed early with a book, tea and snacks (whatever rocks your boat)
Spend an evening practising self-care (for example; a long bath and, self care routine with your favourite oils, creams, or early night in bed.)
Send words of encouragement to a loved one or a friend in need
Do a creative activity instead of TV this evening with music
Journal about things you love and your dreams. Allow myself to dream and be creative with the results
Make an exercise plan, to nourish your body every week
Write things you do imperfectly, but makes you happy